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Molly's Musings
I have been a Londoner since 1970, and a professional singer for most of that time. Employment included The Swingle Singers for thirteen years, during which time my name mysteriously morphed to Molly. This fact, added to my inability to grasp the concept of inanimate objects, has led to a dialogue with my alter ego, the contents of my flat, and anybody else who cares to listen – and since the end of 2010 these musings have taken written form. So if you would like to hear my thoughts on the challenges of technology and managing a crumbling Victorian pile, or the delights of the English language, Radio 4, and all that London has to offer, together with glimpses into the life of a professional singer – welcome to my world!
“Nestling among Molly’s delicious writing are gems of observations that can make one howl with laughter, or acknowledge how the world turns. Whatever the vignettes are about, they’re a must-have accompaniment to coffee and biscuits.”
Dame Sarah Connolly
“Loving ‘Molly’s Musings’ – a wonderful dip-in-and-dip-out antidote to today’s troubled times. Highly recommended!!”
Nigel Hess
“Olive is a supremely talented singer and a wry and perceptive and very funny writer. The book is, as it implies, a series of musings, often unconnected, but she manages to put into words what so many of us have been feeling about the way things are going here in the benighted UK, and much better – and funnier – than we could ever do. A great read, and would make a great gift for anyone.”
Patsy Trench
Molly’s Musings
‘Molly’s Musings’ is a slim volume containing random observations on life in 21st century London from the point of view of an Irish singer with a great love of words and a huge lack of talent in the inescapable world of technology.
More molly's musings
More Molly’s Musings
‘Molly’s Musings’ proved to be a very popular choice for the downstairs loo, so here is the follow-up. But be warned that in 2016 the B word suddenly cast a shadow over life for London musicians so ‘More Molly’s Musings’ is just a little darker.
Yet More Molly’s Musings
‘Yet More Molly’s Musings’ completes this trilogy covering ten years of my life in the vibrant and thrilling city that is London. But 2019-2020 were years like no others and life changed for ever as the B Word (Brexit) was overshadowed by the C Word (Covid) and ‘normal’ life became a distant memory.
Still More Molly’s Musings
And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, along came Covid variants, a motley selection of unelected Prime Ministers and Westminster scandals, galloping inflation, widespread strikes and war in Europe. Nothing daunted, Musings continued as the tenants at The Stately Pile graduated from interesting to certifiable and 'normal' life began a cautious attempt at resumption.
Well Fancy That!
Well Fancy That!  is an account of a life lived initially in rural Ireland but subsequently in the world of international music-making via London and The Swingle Singers. The change of career from teacher to singer brought with it surprising opportunities, thrilling performances and a host of hair raising experiences along the way. And then there was the accidental supplementary career in property management which alternately added to the instability and compensated for it. Life as a jobbing singer certainly hasn't been boring!
© 2025 Olive Simpson